Temple Ministries


Altar Servers

Serving in the altar is a wonderful opportunity to see the Mysteries of the Church up close! Coming every week to serve at the altar helps one learn the rhythms of the Church and helps Father Ari to complete his tasks each Liturgy.

It is also a chance for the rising generation of the Church to learn the rhythms of our services. Please bring the kids to be in the altar no later than 9:45 so they can get into the mindset of church.

To join contact Fr Ari Damaskos:


Choir & Chanters

There are four different choirs:

Our Adult Mixed Choir, directed by Christina Wynn, is open to anyone in the community high school or higher who loves to worship through singing.  This choir sings two to three times a month and they rehearse most Wednesday evenings. Organist is Diane Mashead.

Our Women's  Choir, directed by Ross Magoulas, is open to all women of the community and particularly sing the liturgy commissioned by them composed by the late Anna Gallos.  This choir sings every other month or quarterly. Organist is Mary Perry.

Our Men's Choir, directed by Leon Melissas, is open to all men of the community.  This choir sings at least every other month, rehearsing the Saturday before they sing.

Our Youth Choir, directed by Cali Spyropoulos, is open to any child who is in the 1st through 12th grade.  The music and special hymns are learned in a monthly hymnology class.

Byzantine Chant, our chanters use a chant tradition that stretches back for at least a millennium. To request instruction and to join, email our office to request Joseph Hodges at:


Youtube Streaming

This ministry is an opportunity to deliver the blessing of the Divine Liturgy to those who are unable to make it to Church.

If you enjoy audio/visual technology, filming, and being involved in Divine Liturgy, this may be a great opportunity for you.

DUTY: stream Orthros and Divine Liturgy on Sunday; other services vary depending on feast days and other celebrations. Number of times will depend on number of members in committee - but likely once per month

REQUIRED SKILLS: general knowledge of a computer; the functions and processes can be taught very easily, so don't shy away if you're worried about your abilities! We need you!

AGE REQUIREMENT: high school aged or older

If you have any questions, or are interested, contact Harry Demos or Bill Turner.

Emails: hademos@att.net