VBS - Three Holy Youths June 12-15


Last year our kids learned about the church of the Holy Trinity, its feast day of Pentecost, and the three sections of the church. So much was learned and enjoyed that we can’t wait for this year’s VBS!

This year we will be learning all about the three Holy Youths, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Peer pressure, and the 10 commandments. To end this AMAZING week, on Thursday, we will have a celebration program that you won’t want to miss!!!

Fr. Ari, Mr. Joseph, and all the volunteers cannot wait to see all the smiles, and lessons. Please RSVP by June 8th with Mr. Joseph @ joe.w.hodges@gmail.com

Parents' Night Out Dec. 9

Parents Night Out

Why: While Christmas is a time of joy, stress can creep in; let us provide a night of fun for the kids and a night for you all to do what you need to do in this season!

When: Dec 9 (6PM - 9PM) K-12 Parent's Night Out!

What: A movie, some board games, and study areas will be available for all the kids of parents at Holy Trinity in grade school. Fast Friendly Snacks Provided!

Where: Holy Trinity Hellenic Center